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A polariscope is a widely utilized instrument in stress testing that employs polarized light to examine residual stress presence within transparent materials. Depending on its specific function, a polariscope can be categorized into two types: a strain viewer and a polarimeter. The polariscope is designed to offer real-time, non-destructive stress detection. Some advanced polariscopes are capable of providing clear images and precise stress measurement data, making it an invaluable tool for ensuring material strength, integrity and performance.

Types of PTC Polariscope

Technical Terms About Stress Testing

Birefringence: The phenomenon where a material splits a light wave into two rays, each traveling at different velocities, resulting in double refraction.

Phase Difference: The measure of the difference in phase between two waves, often leading to constructive or destructive interference.

Optical Retardation: The delay in the phase of one of the rays in a birefringent material relative to the other, typically measured in nanometers.

Photo-elasticity: When polarized light passes through a stressed photo-elastic material, it experiences changes in polarization due to the varying refractive indices, creating a pattern of fringes that can be analyzed to determine the stress distribution.

Linear Polarization: It refers to the orientation of the oscillations of the electric field vector of a light wave in a single plane along the direction of propagation. In linearly polarized light, the electric field oscillates in one direction only.

Why is Polariscope a Necessity?

Polariscopes are widely used across various industrial sectors such as material processing and mechanical manufacturing. During production, the use of a polariscope allows for the timely monitor of stress changes in materials.

During material scientific research, polariscopes are extensively used to study their mechanical properties across various industries, including glass, plastics, silicon carbide (SiC), sapphire and many others.

FAQs of Polariscope

What types of materials can be analyzed with a polariscope?

It is suitable for checking transparent glassware, quartz components, optical glass, resin film, plastic sheet, lens, light guide plate, YAG, sapphire, solar glass and other materials.

How do I interpret the colors and patterns seen through a polariscope?

When observing a sample through a polariscope, if you observe the color difference between the sample and the background, it indicates stress presence within the sample. Uniform stress patterns indicate balanced stress distribution, non-uniform patterns indicate varying stress levels.

What is the difference between a strain viewer and a polarimeter?

They differ in using purpose and operation methods.

A strain viewer is primarily used for visualizing stress patterns, while a polarimeter provides quantitative measurements of stress retardation and glass temper number. A strain viewer relies on the visual observation of interference patterns, whereas a polarimeter measures analyzer rotating angle or phase difference of polarized light.

Is there any precautions for the maintenance a strain viewer?

① Do not clean the sample stage with water;

② Do not place the device under direct sunlight;

③ Do not place damp objects on the sample stage;

④ Do not place overheated or cold objects (> 80℃, < 20℃) on the sample stage;

Is there any safety considerations to keep in mind when using a strain viewer?

① Electrical Safety: Ensure all cords are intact and avoid contact with water to prevent electrical hazards.

② Stable Surface: Place the strain viewer on a stable, flat surface to prevent it from falling down and causing accidents.

③ Handle with Care: Handle the strain viewer and samples carefully to avoid damage or injury from sharp edges or broken pieces.

Can the measurement data be exported to a computer or other devices?

Full-auto and Semi-auto Polarimeter are supplied with specific measuring software. By clicking related buttons, the measurement data and result image can be easily stored and exported to a computer.

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